Workplace Delivery Team
Are you looking for a workplace volunteer opportunity that makes a huge impact on your community, is easy to implement and manage, and is something employees can do over the lunch hour? If so, delivering meals is the perfect volunteer opportunity for you and your co-workers!
It only takes a lunch hour to deliver meals to 8 to 14 people in need. How’s that for a power lunch? Starting a Workplace Delivery Team is an easy-to-implement corporate volunteer opportunity for you and your company to make a real difference in the lives of seniors and those with disabilities in your community.
Delivering meals is a great team-building opportunity that only requires a group of two or more individuals to get started. Companies like Delta Dental, and Ascension have maintained Workplace Delivery Teams for years because employees embrace this simple and effective way to help community members in need.
To start a Workplace Delivery Team today, contact us at or
(715)-341-0081 to learn more about how your company can take advantage of this workplace-friendly volunteer opportunity.
How do I qualify?The program is available for people of all ages in the Stevens Point community who are homebound.
What defines homebound?Homebound means that you rarely leave your home. Homebound people can go to doctor and dentist appointments and beauty salons, but they have difficulty doing so.
What if I need a special diet?A registered dietitian plans all meals. Your physician ordered the diet you receive. Your physician must order all changes. A “Certification of Need” is required from your physician. Meals on Wheels will obtain this certification from your physician or home health nurse.
How long can I recieve meals?You are eligible to receive meals as long as you are physically unable to prepare meals and no one is available to prepare them for you. If you feel the meals are no longer needed you may cancel them. YOU MUST RECEIVE MEALS FOR A TWO WEEK MINIMUM.
How much do I pay?YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS ARE NECESSARY FOR OUR PROGRAM TO CONTINUE. Our cost for providing this service is over $8.00 per meal. This cost includes food, preparation, office and staff expenses. Meals on Wheels accepts contributions toward the cost of this service. We offer recipients opportunity to contribute all or part of the cost of their meals. You must decide how much you can give. Statements are sent the end of the month telling you how many meals you received. An envelope will be enclosed for your contribution. You may use a check, money order made out to Meals on Wheels on online electronic contribution is accepted. All contributions are confidential.
What time are the meals delivered?Meals are delivered Monday through Thursday between 11:00 am and 12:30pm.
Will my meal be delivered in bad weather?If the Stevens Point Public Schools cancel due to bad weather, meals will not be delivered. When meal delivery is cancelled it will be announced on the local radio stations. The following television stations will list the school closing a. WAOW: channel 9b. WSAW: channel 7 The safety of our drivers is of utmost importance to us, therefore, when road conditions are questionable, drivers are asked to use their best judgment in the delivery of meals. You are encouraged to keep a 2 to 3 day supply of non-perishable food on hand in the event of an emergency situation that may force us to cancel meals.
Can I get meals on the weekends?Weekend meals are available for those who need it. Weekend meals are delivered with the Thursday meal. They are frozen and arrive ready to be reheated.
How soon can I get started?Most individuals can be started within 24 hours.
What if I am not going to be home?Meals are not able to be left. If you are not home to receive the meal, the meal is disposed of. If you know you will not be home, please call the office no later than noon the business day before to cancel.
Can someone other than the recipient receive the monthly statement for the meals?Yes, please contact the office at 715-341-0081 for more information.
Can I start meals for my parent, grandparent or neighbor?"Yes. Compete the Service Request form or contact us at 715-341-0081. Be sure to leave a message if we are unable to answer your call.
Who delivers the meals?Meals are delivered by volunteers. Various businesses sponsor routes as well.